A Closer Look at the Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment

Mar 08, 2022

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are increasingly popular for various conditions. The technique uses a patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing and has proven effective in treating everything from muscle and tendon injuries to minimizing acne and surgical scars.

PRP has been incredibly effective in treating hair thinning and loss, with people forgoing expensive, painful and invasive procedures. 

Read on to discover the benefits of PRP hair treatment and how it works.

What is PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP hair treatment is a non-surgical procedure that uses the platelet-rich components in the blood to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth for people who’ve experienced hair loss or thinning hair.

PRP is blood with a higher concentration of platelets than normal. Platelets are known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors and proteins that activate cell-reproduction and encourage tissue regeneration or repair in the treated area.

PRP hair treatment can prevent hair loss, promote new hair growth, and stimulate the growth of hair transplants.

How Does PRP Work?

PRP treatment for hair loss is a three-step process. 

First, the client provides a small blood sample and then inserted into a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample. Then after 10 minutes, the blood separates into three layers: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. The final step involves injecting the platelet-rich plasma into areas of the scalp that require increased hair growth. 

While there may be some mild soreness at the injection sites, most people feel only pressure.

PRP hair treatment results will not be immediately visible. Typically it takes three monthly sessions and then another treatment four to six months later. After that, clients only require yearly maintenance sessions.

 Results and your treatment plan will depend on various factors such as the amount of hair loss, age, hormones, and genetics.

What are the Benefits of PRP?

  • PRP is non-invasive - Other methods of restoring hair growth, such as transplants, require multiple expensive surgeries, can be painful and come with the risk of infection. On the other hand, PRP hair treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive. It requires no anesthetic, has no scarring, and no downtime is required.
  • PRP is safe -  PRP treatment for hair loss is safe with a trained medical provider. Since PRP injections use your body’s cells, there is no danger of rejection or an allergic reaction. Avoid PRP treatments if you have an active infection, bleeding disorder, metastatic disease, anemia, or certain skin conditions. It’s also inadvisable for those who are pregnant.
  • PRP is effective - There is increasing clinical evidence that suggests PRP is effective for people with hair loss. It’s particularly successful for treating androgenetic alopecia. While also known as male-pattern baldness, this condition can affect anyone. For men, hair loss usually occurs on the top and front of the head, and for women, thinning is visible on the top and crown and may initially be noticeable at the center hair part.
  • PRP is convenient - PRP has no incisions or recovery time. The procedure takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Afterward, you can return to your normal activities.
  • PRP is versatile - In addition to the hair on your scalp, PRP treatments can replace facial hair and work in conjunction with other procedures. PRP also offers numerous benefits for the skin, including reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, firming sagging skin, improving skin tone and texture, and reducing signs of scarring and sun damage.

Replenish Your Hair Today!

If you have struggled with thinning hair or hair loss, PRP injections are an excellent solution for discrete and non-invasive treatment.

Located in Englewood, Colorado,
Jeunesse Aesthetics provides our clients with over 13 years of professional medical cosmetic expertise. Owner Jessica Porter is a licensed practical nurse who prides herself on giving her clients unmatched cosmetic results and satisfaction. 

or call 210-245-0499 for your PRP consultation today!

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